Monday, December 14, 2009

What is the best treatment for blackheads?

And how do you know if you have whiteheads?

And what is the difference?What is the best treatment for blackheads?
go buy some benzoyl peroxide and use a ton of works.

you can get it anywhere really but the best kind ive found is at I just like it better bc its clear so you can keep putting it on all day without getting big white patches on your face lolWhat is the best treatment for blackheads?
Whiteheads, they look like pimples, but they have a bit of white at the tip, and then almost like a light pink circle around it.

Blackheads, I would use

Garnier face cleasner, or

Clean n' Clear, blackhead Clearing Astringent

Also, you can buy this metal tool at your drugstore, and it has a hole at the tip, that you use to squeeze out your blackheads. Really Useful!

Hope I helped!
Black/White heads are a pain. I had them when i was a finally started to get rid of most of mine! THANK GOD haha blackheads are normally around your nose/chin and sometimes forehead between your eyebrows and they actually look black! White heads normally are in the same areas unless its a pimple with puss in it. Going for facials really helped my skin with black heads! But it got really expensive to keep going...i recommend going at least 2 times a year because they really know what they are doing. But also facial scrubs you can get for cheap at walmart ( clean and clear ) has a great one that wont burn up your wallet!!! Also after you wash your face with your scrub - you can always do a mask with your friends which helped my skin too! Hope i helped!!! GOOD LUCK =]
One has a white tip and one has a black one....
  • how to apply
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